RoHS Flip Chip CSP smd 5585 9v white Thermoelectric separation led diode
Forward Voltage:9-10.5V
Forward Current:4000mA
Thermal resistanc:3-5℃/W
Power Dissipation:40w
Operating Temperat:-40℃ TO 125℃
Storage Temperature:-40℃ TO 100℃
Soldering Temperatur:Roflow Soldering:260 for 3se
Antistatic abil:ESD2000V
Junction temperatu:150℃
Reverse Curren:15V
Radiation Flux:3600-4500LM
Reverse current:65-70
Application field: car light
When the circuit configuration is not affected, suggested the increase in the middle of the copper
area, or the connection between the middle and the pad and the negative electrode can improve the
cooling performance of the product。It is recommended to use 0.6-1 mmthickness of steel ma